Cup Competition 2023

Committee has decided to run the 4 Major Cup Competitions this season and would ask that you kindly complete Entry Form which Club Secretaries should have already received or can be downloaded from website at  Cup Entry, and returned with the relevant payment to Honorary Secretary Paul McIlreavry, before 30th April 2023.

To confirm the Cup Competitions are on a Knockout basis for teams of 2 rinks. If the score is tied, sides must play extra ends to a conclusion. Trophies will be awarded to the Winners and there are lapel badges for the Runners-Up.

You may recall last season we waived the Entry Fee however not only are we resurrecting payment for each Cup Competition unfortunately, we have had to increase the charge which has sat at a mere £2.00 for many years. This term we are requesting an Entry Fee of £5.00 per Cup Competition.

For clarity the Cup Competitions are as follows –

George Hatch Memorial Cup – Open across all Zones

Lyttle Cup – restricted to Zone A – all teams may enter.

Thornton Cup – restricted to Zone B number 1 teams only.

Stevenson Cup – restricted to Zone B but only open to 2nd and lower teams.

In an effort to reduce postage charges Honorary Secretary can accept Entries via email at the following email address but please confirm the name of your Club and which Cup(s) you wish to participate in. Alternatively, you can either phone or text details to Honorary Secretaries mobile number 07546 930146 and if unanswered, simply leave a voicemail and I will return your call as soon as possible. Obviously, if entering via email, text or phone call payment will be collected at a later date.