Deadline extended for Opening Day Tournament
Please note we have extended the deadline for receipt of Entries for the Opening Day Tournament at Balmoral BC on Friday 6th May. We can accept Entries up to Tuesday 3rd May and would...
Please note we have extended the deadline for receipt of Entries for the Opening Day Tournament at Balmoral BC on Friday 6th May. We can accept Entries up to Tuesday 3rd May and would...
Fellow Bowlers just a reminder of our Opening Day Tournament on Friday 6th May at Balmoral BC. Unfortunately, only 48 bowlers will be able to play (6 rinks x 8 per rink) and places...
President, Billy Clinghan (Dromore BC) invites all Clubs registered with the Veterans’ Bowling League to send representatives to the Opening Day Tournament and Ceremonial Unfurling of our Flag. Balmoral Bowling Club have very kindly offered...