The Veterans Bowling League is a Bowling Association exclusively for Veterans and run by Veterans.
A “Veteran” is defined as a player, aged 60 years or over. Players must be members of a Club affiliated to either the Northern Ireland Bowling Association (NIBA) or the NI Private Greens Bowling League (NIPGBL).
Founded in 1946, it has developed and grown into one of the widest-reaching bowling bodies in Ireland, with 58 affiliated clubs (comprising almost 90 teams) drawn from counties Antrim, Armagh, Down and Tyrone. Many clubs enter two or more teams of 8 players.
The teams are involved in no fewer than 11 Leagues and 4 major Cup competitions.
The Veterans’ Bowling League Executive is elected at an Annual General Meeting each November.
The Presidency alternates between Clubs which are affiliated to the NIBA. and the NIPGBL.