Opening Day Tournament & Flag Unfurling 2023
President, Michael Bunting (Hilden BC) invites all Clubs registered with the Veterans’ Bowling League to send representatives to the Opening Day Tournament and Ceremonial Unfurling of our Flag on Friday 28 April.
Hilden Bowling Club have very kindly offered to host this special event.
A Rinks Tournament will be held amongst the first 48 players registered and refreshments will follow. A small charge of £7 per person for those attending will apply and your reply slip confirming the names of your representatives must be returned by Wednesday 19 April to Honorary Secretary.
Club Secretaries have received an invitation via email or post and a copy of the Reply Slip can also be downloaded from the ‘Online Documents’ Documents’ section on website.
Please advise of the name(s) of those members who will represent your club. Two may play, though, if you have more than two wishing to participate, please inform Honorary Secretary and every effort will be made to accommodate them.