VBL AGM at Balmoral BC on Monday 21st November 2022
Fellow Bowlers,
Please note the Agenda for our forthcoming AGM has just been distributed to your Club Secretary either via email or post. To confirm the AGM will be held at Balmoral Bowling Club on Monday 21st November commencing 1.00pm sharp. Please note there is a fair bit of business to be discussed and this will be followed by Presentation to Championship and Cup Winners, etc… but there will be no refreshments provided on this occasion. Finally, for those Clubs that haven’t already donated monies to our designated Charity, the Children’s Cancer Fund NI, can you please forward cheques in this regard to our Treasurer, Robert McCullough at 33 Hollowburn Road, Antrim, BT41 1NQ. Cheques should be made payable to the Veterans’ Bowling League.